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GIS: Geographic Information Systems

A guide to print and electronic resources available at CCA Libraries

Make A Map

Vizualizing Mental Maps

Make A Map

Use the tools listed below to create a map for a course project, research paper, or to support a personal interest.  

  • GunnMap
    • Use pre-loaded data or upload your own. Maps can be exported as images (jpg, png, svg)
  • IMF Data Mapper
    • Visualize economic data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) about its 188 member countries.  (See GeoWeb Applications tab for more like this!)
  • Open Heat Map
  • Tableau Public
    • Create maps and other types of data charts;  free download, link to training materials
  • Google Fusion Tables
    • Upload data and display using Google Maps
  • ArcGIS Explorer
    This free downloadable application is produced by ESRI, creator of the popular ArcGIS software suite.
    Very basic. Download to your computer and create maps that color-code groups of counties within a state, or groups of states in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.
  • CartoDB
    Software as a service (SaaS) cloud computer platform that allows for GIS and web mapping tools within your web browser. Accounts are free up to a certain size with larger storage and features associated with fees. Tool provides the ability to quickly create maps from a spreadsheet that has geographic identifiers such as states, nations or X,Y coordinates.
  • GeoCommons
    Free sign up. "GeoCommons is the public community of GeoIQ users who are building an open repository of data and maps for the world. 
  • Google Maps - My Places
    Create a free account and create maps of places that matter to you.
  • Indie Mapper
    Create static thematic maps. Geographic base maps and topical data library provided. Data derived from selected international intergovernmental agencies including the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, Food & Agriculture Organization, World Nuclear Association, U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.
  • Map Creator
    Free download.  MapCreator works on Windows Vista/XP/2000 platforms.  Create static and animated maps, save maps in common image formats (TIF, BMP, JPG, PNG, etc). 
    Create personal (private) or community (published) maps.