Use the following reference databases to find background information on the subject you are researching.
Art encyclopedias and dictionaries online, including full-text access to the fundamental Grove Dictionary of Art.
This guide is designed to help students enrolled in Caty Telfair's World in a Frame: Nineteenth Century Portrait Photography around the Globe class (HAAVC-3000) perform research.
Start by searching for secondary sources related to your subject (encyclopedic entries, books, and digital articles) before trying to find primary sources (the specific portraits you will analyze and any contemporaneous materials). To do this, search for books in the CCA Libraries collections and article databases such as Jstor and Art & Architecture Source (linked below).
Most books on photography-related subjects will be located in Meyer Library in Oakland, but they can be delivered to San Francisco's Simpson Library for you.
Full-text articles and citations from journals and books related to fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.
Scholarly articles from hundreds of journals in a wide range of academic subjects, including art and design.
The following platforms allow you to search digitized historic photographs. Use these services to try and find the 19th century portrait(s) you will analyze.
Simpson Library: 145 Hooper Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
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